ICAS in cooperation with Paramadina Universities offered scholarship for the student who matches with the criterions as follows:
- Full Scholarship for you with Grade > 3.50 of scale 4.00
- Fifty Percent discount of payment for you with Grade between 3.00 and 3.50 of scale 4.0.
At Least, March 15, 2007
The Entrance test
- Written Test : Saturday, March 17, 2007, at 9.30 – end
- Interview Test : Tuesday – Thursday, March 2007, 20 to March 22, 2007 At 9.30 – end.
Islamic College of Advanced Studies (ICAS) Jakarta
Phone : (021) 765-1534
Address : Pondok Indah Plaza III Blok F5, 2nd Floor. Jalan T.B Simatupang, Jakarta Selatan 12310. (next to Carrefour Lebak Bulus)
Email : icas@indosat.net.id , icas_jakarta@yahoo.co.id
Web : www.icas-indonesia.org
The Course will be hell in English and using English book as references. ICAS – Jakarta is supported by the multi-talented lecture and staff with the famous achievement in the international world in Indonesia or abroad. They are:
- Prof. Dr. Homayoun Hemmati (Dean of University of Teheran , Iran )
- Prof. Dr. Toeti Heraty Rooseno (Noble Lecture Of Philosophical Study University of Indonesia )
- Prof. Dr. Komarrudin Hidayat (Rector of State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah
- Prof. Dr. Mulyadhi Kertanegara (Lecture at State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah
- Prof. Dr. Jalaluddin Rahmat (Director of Mutahhari Foundation, Bandung )
- Dr. Sayyed Mohsen Miri (Rector of ICAS-Jakarta)
- Dr. Khaidar Bagir M.A (Director of Mizan Publisher)
- Dr. Sayyed Mahmoud Musawi (Guest Lecture on Islamic Theology and Ontology)
- Dr. Abdul Hadi W.M
- Dr. Ahmad Vaezi
- Dr. Alireza Hodoee
- Dr. Ja’far Elmi (Rector of ICAS-London)
- Dr. J. Sudarminta (Lecture at STF Driyarkara)
- Dr. F. Budi Hardiman (Lecture at STF Driyarkara)
- Dr. Akhyar Yusuf Lubis (Dean of Philosophical Department University of Indonesia )
- Dr. Zainal ‘Abidin Bagir M.A (Director of CRCS-UGM Yogyakarta )
- Husein Shahab M.A (Chief of Islamic Study Center Fitrah)
- Umar Shahab M.A
- Husein Heriyanto M.Hum (Deputy Rector of ICAS)
- Nasrudin Latief M.A (Lecture of philosophy University of Paramadina)
- Donny Gahral Adian M.Hum (Lecture of Philosophy University of Indonesia )
- Gerardette Philips M.A ( Lecture University of Paramadina)
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