Photonics Group
Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering
University College London
THz Bandwidth Photodetectors
As part of our work within the EPSRC funded PORTRAIT project - a collaborative project between UCL, University of Essex, University of Bath and the University of Leeds and industrial partners- we wish to recruit a research student to the Photonics Group to work on THz bandwidth photodiodes under the supervision of Professor Alwyn Seeds.
The objective of the research project is to study waveguide uni-travelling carrier photodiodes integrated with antennas for signal generation in the THz frequency region. The work will focus particularly on design studies to find the optimum solution for achieving the highest responsivity and the highest bandwidth possible with the detector and to design novel antennas for efficient emission of the THz signal. The project will be carried out in close collaboration with our collaborators and industrial partners and the resulting interactions will provide an exceptionally rich research environment.
For the research studentship, we are seeking a talented graduate, having at least an upper second class honours degree (first class honours preferred) or equivalent in electronic engineering or physics. Experience of optoelectronics, microwave and semiconductor device technology would be most desirable.
The studentship is for three years and provides payment of tuition fees at the UK/EU rate plus a £14,000 per annum (normally tax free) contribution to living expenses. For non-EU students there would be the possibility to enter the Overseas Research Studentship competition to obtain remission of the difference between UK/EU and overseas tuition fees in the second and third years of the studentship.
Applicants must fulfil EPSRC eligibility criteria and the normal academic requirements for acceptance for postgraduate study in the Department.
Applications should be made using the standard UCL Research Student application form, obtainable at this page,
or from Sara Collins, 020 7679 5760.
Candidates should indicate on the application form under ‘Programme of Study’ that they are applying for the “PORTRAIT studentship- Professor A J Seeds”. Candidates should send two complete sets of the application form (including references) by the closing date of 31st March 2007.
One set is to be directed to the Registry (as per application form), and a copy directly to: Dr C. Renaud, Dept. of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, UCL, Torrington Place, London, WC1E 7JE, England or to , to whom informal enquiries may also be directed.
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